The handy NaNoWriMo website includes all kinds of stats to help participants gauge their progress. Today, I climbed back to meet the “on track” line of total words, broken down by the average 1667 words per day needed to complete 50K by the end of the month. But statistics are boring, right? So I’ll just say yay, I’m back on track! I think this novel is probably going to need more outdoors scenes like the one I just finished writing. There’s a whole espionage element, and a bureaucratic element. But a lot of what makes urban fantasy readers happy is seeing the character of a city, and the city I’ve chosen gets a lot of its character from the environment surrounding it. So this is a fun dance step to be learning. Speaking of dancing, since I finished my word quota, I now get to go out and do some salsa tonight. Let’s hear it for work-life balance. Hooray!